SPECIAL GUEST: Earl Cate (The Legend)
TOPIC: Telecasters & The Art of a Simple Pedalboard
HOST: Bryan Hembree (Smokey & The Mirror, & Fayetteville Roots co-founder)
WORKSHOP FEE: $20 donation , all proceeds benefit Folk School of Fayetteville.
(Special Thanks to Earl Cate who insisted on donating his time!)
(Space is limited to 25 people)
One part hang. One part gear talk. One part workshop.
Be in the room with Bryan Hembree & Earl Cate as they discuss Telecasters & the Art of a simple pedalboard. This workshop is all about sharing knowledge and stories. It is suited for all levels of electric guitar players who would love to learn how less is more in both the guitar you choose to play (a Telecaster is really just two slabs of wood) and the Art of a simple pedalboard. ( i.e. Less is more and what pedals to leave on your pedalboard when there is limited space in the overhead compartment or band van).
Earl Cate needs no introduction. If you know. You know.